Huixia Ren

Our lab is interested in how cell-to-cell interactions within the pancreatic islet balance Ca$^{2+}$ activity and hormone secretion, as well as maintain blood glucose homeostasis. Through the integration of experimental, computational and theoretical methods, we aim to gain new insights for disease treatment.


Our Publication

Our Publication

We found as the minority cell types, δ and α cells form the core regulatory network for the robust rhythmicity of the entire islet. The design principle of the islet, characterized by a minority of regulators and a majority of followers, may extend to other biological systems with similar hierarchical organization, such as in the heart and brain.

Our Projects

Our Projects

By further developing high-throughput microfluidic chips, we are able to systematic explore the paracrine regulatory network of islet Ca$^{2+}$ oscillation patterns. Additionally, novel probes have been developed to investigate the secretion patterns from α, β and δ cells.

Our Team

Our Team

Our lab members come from diverse backgrounds but share a common interests in quantitative studies of pancreatic islets.